Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's my day off

In one week we only have one day off in our work *sigh* not just like other company they have 2 days off anyways it's okay with me at least we have one day hehehe. Last night I washed already my clothes so that during my off I'm free for the whole day, I slept around 3AM and wake up around quarter to 12PM. When I wake up I cooked for our brunch guess what I've cooked? A simple dish only corned beef hahaha! Then after that I opened my laptop checking my mails, blog hopping and chatting with my fiancé. We chat everyday we exchanged stories what's going on in our lives even though we're too apart *sigh*. It's too hard this kind of relationship the long distance relationship but we tried our best to be strong enough. And thanks for the inventors of this online stuff to communicate our love ones in distance hehehe. Okay guys till here, I will just enjoy my day off! God Bless us all and have a nice day!

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